Many industries are not able to use the Air Pollution Control plants properly due to deficiency in equipment/system design. Some industries also lack in proper operation and maintenance practice. With proper know-how it is possible to improve the performance of the existing Air Pollution Control Plants through minor modifications of the equipment/system and operating them properly.
Shyamal Ghosh is in the field of Air Pollution Control Technology since 1977 through large multi-national organizations, out of which for 17 years he was with Flakt India Limited. System design, marketing and execution of many milestone projects in India, Japan, Russia, Egypt, Thailand Malaysia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and UAE are to his credit. Click here for some clippings.
"“Based on my 45 years’ experience in the field of INDUSTRIAL AIR POLLUTION CONTROL I would like to claim that uncontrolled Industrial Air Pollution is the major contributor for Global Warming leading to Climate Change. Utilizing modern technology Industrial Air Pollution can certainly be controlled and the investments made for the same come back directly from the increase in production, decrease in maintenance expences and decrease in production cost. Health of the Men and the Machines also improve quite considerably because of the clean environment in the working zone. Final emission remains much below the allowed limits.”"
Design of New Systems
Modification of old systems for better performance.
Design of improvised systems for critical dusts and for critical applications.
Check and control design parameters of the Original Equipment Manufacturers.
Guidance/Workshops for proper operations & maintenance to achieve the best possible stable performance.
At present he is attached to various industrial giants of India, Middle-east, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore. Many successful performance improvement projects have already been carried out by him in India and the neighboring countries.
Shyamal’s experience have been utilised by various steel industries of India, which are going for large-scale expansions. He is assisting the Industries in the implementation of improved technology for the dust & fume extraction systems being supplied by Indian as well as overseas suppliers. He is also working for many Industries in India and in overseas countries for the performance improvement of their age-old plants as well as design and installation of some new plants.
Through his close associations with some organizations in India and abroad he could prove not by words, but by actions that A LITTLE AWARENESS AND INTEREST CAN MAKE THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEMS A REALITY AND NOT JUST EYEWASH.
He is also working on the assessment of the requirement of Bag Filter vis-à-vis ESP at the Thermal Power Plants because of the deterioration of coal quality with increase in ash content (ranging from 35 to 55%).
Shyamal conducts workshops and conferences to enrich knowledge of the engineers, operators and also students. Presentations & Workshops carried out by him are mainly on the following subjects:
Presentations on:
• Air Pollution Control,
• Industrial Air Pollution Control for Sustainable Economic Development & Growth,
• Control of Carbon dioxide – Present world scenario,
• Environment friendly heritage – A path towards restoration of cosmic harmony & control of global warming.
Workshops on Air Pollution Control Systems with:
Click for more on Workshops and Conferences.• Bag Filter,
• Electrostatic Precipitator,
• Dynamic Collector,
• Wet Collector.